Old Timers Day 2017
Everyone at Zion Hill celebrated Old Timers Day on Sunday, September 24th. The Youth presented gifts to the elders in our church and told a little about the founding of our church. We had a…
Church Work Day
Join us for Work Day at the Church on Saturday, April 15th at 9AM. Let’s work together to clean, maintain, and repair the church buildings and grounds.
Easter Services This Sunday
Join us this Sunday for our Easter services. At 7AM we will have our Sunrise Service, followed by a fellowship breakfast. At 10:45 we will start our morning services, which will feature a special program…
Old Timers Day 2016
Mrs. Sally and Billy Jr playing a game of cornhole. Everyone had a great time on Old Timers Day, Sunday, Nov. 13th. After a good hot lunch (with plenty of desserts, of course), the kids…
New Mercies Singing at Zion Hill
Gospel group, New Mercies, will be singing at Zion Hill on Sunday, November 6th at 6pm. It’s going to be a great night of worship and fellowship. We will have coffee and desserts in the…
Building Projects
The latest building project for the church is well on its way. Cabinets (upper and lower) and a counter are being built in the Fellowship Hall. These will replace the coffee and dessert tables and…
Activities This Weekend
Don’t forget all our activities this weekend. Friday night at 6PM, we will be singing at the Lazy R Assisted Living Home’s Christmas party. Everyone is invited to help us sing. Saturday morning at 10AM…
Hallelujah Night
Don’t forget our Hallelujah Night, Saturday, Nov. 2nd at 4PM! We’ll have a hayride, games, food, candy, fellowship, and fun! Costumes are welcomed!
Round Up Sunday
This Sunday, September 29th, is Round Up Sunday! Round up your friends and bring them to church. Sunday School starts at 10AM and monring services start at 11AM. We’ll have a meal after morning services…
Renovations on the Church Begin!
Repairs began on the floor of the church. Lee Beaver and Tony Watkins are heading the project.