Hallelujah! It’s Old Timers Day 2022
Join us for Old Timers Day 2022 at Zion Hill Baptist Church, as we look back and remember those who came before us. We are combining out Hallelujah Night and Old Timers Day into one…
Church Anniversary 2022
We will celebrate the 87th anniversary of Zion Hill on Sunday, September 25th with a light lunch after morning services. Please join us in fellowship.
Sign Up for VBS 2021!
Zion Hill Baptist Church VBS 2021 Sunday, June 13th – Friday, June 18th 6:30PM- 9PM Classes for all ages, babies to adults! Supper every night! Sign Up for VBS 2021!
Community Cookout at Zion Hill Baptist
Zion Hill Baptist Church will be hosting a cookout open to the community on Saturday, May 8th from 1PM to 3PM. Join us for a hot dog or hamburger and a great time of…
Spring Singing Postponed
Following the advice of the president and the CDC regarding the spread of the Corona virus, we have postponed the singing scheduled for March 28th. We will announce a new date at a later time.
Old Timers Day 2019
On Sunday, November 17th, we had Old Timers Day. Many of our congregation were sick and could not attend, but those who were able to attend had a great time of fellowship. Click “read more”…
Bible Giveaway on the Square
On Saturday, November 2nd, we gathered on the square in Blairsville to give away Bibles and candy bags during the Hometown Halloween on the Square event. We gave away about 350 Bibles to men, women,…
Homecoming 2019
Homecoming/Decoration is this Sunday! The Henderson Family will be singing at 10 am. Lee Tanner will be preaching at 11 am. We will have dinner in the Fellowship Hall afterward. Everyone please bring a covered…
Homecoming 2018
Join us this Sunday, July 8th at 10AM for Homecoming. The Joint Heirs will be singing at 10AM, followed by preaching at 11AM. We will have a covered dish dinner in the Fellowship Hall after…
VBS 2018 Video