Gospel Singing on Sat. Oct 1st
Zion Hill Baptist Church will have a singing on Saturday, October 1st at 7pm. The Hayes Brothers and the Father’s Will will be singing that night, along with special guests. The ladies of the church…
Homecoming This Sunday
Join us at Zion Hill this Sunday, July 10th, for Homecoming. We’ll have a great day of worship and fellowship. Services will begin at 10am with preaching by Don Maynard. At 11am, we’ll have singing…
Morning Services, 9-28-14
The sound is a little low, so turn up the volume. We’ll work out the sound issues for future services. Download Video as MP4
VBS 2014!
VBS will be held July 21-26th, from 6:30 to 9:00 each day. We have classes for all ages, from babies to adults. We will provide a meal each night for everyone who attends VBS. Register…
Sunrise Service and Breakfast!
We will be having a Sunrise Service on Easter morning, Sunday, April 20th at 7 AM, with preaching by Rev. Joey Ensley. Following the service, the church will provide breakfast inthe Fellowship Hall. Sunday School…
Building Projects
The latest building project for the church is well on its way. Cabinets (upper and lower) and a counter are being built in the Fellowship Hall. These will replace the coffee and dessert tables and…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from Zion Hill Baptist Church! How has God blessed you in 2013? What are you looking forward to in 2014?
Christmas Play
The cast of our Christmas play this year! They all did such a great job! (photo by Judy Watkins)
Activities This Weekend
Don’t forget all our activities this weekend. Friday night at 6PM, we will be singing at the Lazy R Assisted Living Home’s Christmas party. Everyone is invited to help us sing. Saturday morning at 10AM…
Hallelujah Night
Don’t forget our Hallelujah Night, Saturday, Nov. 2nd at 4PM! We’ll have a hayride, games, food, candy, fellowship, and fun! Costumes are welcomed!